Author Archive: Павел
(Русский) Обучающие курсы по МК НИИЭТ К1921ВК01Т
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The book “Practical course of microprocessor technology based on ARM-Cortex-M3/M4/M4F processor cores” was published by a team of authors of our company
A new MotorControlBoard3 debug board based on K1921BK028 microprocessor has been developed

The development of a new MotorControlBoard3 debug board based on the native microprocessor NIIET 1921BK028 was completed. The MotorControlBoard3-1921BK028 debug board is a controller for the development and debugging of control systems for electric motors, power supplies, and other power…
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Series of articles about haul truck drive

In the corporate block on the Habr resource, a series of articles about the electromechanical transmission of a haul truck was published. R&D Company “Vector” LLC took part in the development of the transmission. These articles are only available in…
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Training courses on MK NIIET K1921BK01T completed

The first training courses “Design of digital control systems based on the native microcontroller NIIET K1921BK01T” in the training laboratory of the Department of Electric Drives of the NRU “MPEI” are successfully completed. Documentation (in Russian) Lecture (part 1) PPTX…
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(Russian) An enrollment for training courses on MK NIIET K1921BK01T is open

Открыт набор на обучающие курсы “Проектирование цифровых систем управления на базе отечественного микроконтроллера НИИЭТ К1921ВК01Т”. Общая информация Форма обучения – очная Общая продолжительность курса – 5 дней, 40 академических часов (1 ак. час = 45 минут). Место проведения…
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(Russian) Participation in the conference ExpoCityTrans-2016

Specialists of R&D Company “Vector” LLC, as part of a delegation from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (NRU “MPEI”), took part in the ExpoCityTrans-2016 conference held on November 30, 2016 at VDNKh, Moscow. The report was devoted to the use…
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Participation in the seminar of NIIET OJSC at the exhibition “Electronics and instrumentation-2016”

Specialists of R&D Company “Vector” LLC made a presentation at the NIIET OJSC seminar of the exhibition Radioelectronics and instrumentation 2016 held in Saint Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex with the report “K1921BK01T: Application Experience, Development Tools and Debugging Kits”….
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